Dry Needling Charlottesville VA 


Are You Experiencing Pain and Movement Problems? Dry Needling Can Help

Dry Needling is a treatment that may effectively address tissue that has become dysfunctional. These tissues usually present with what is commonly know as a trigger point. Needling has recently become a hotbed for research, as there may be a benefit in treating painful conditions. There are varying theories on how dry needling works, but it is thought to affect the pH and inflammatory markers within the tissue. It may also facilitate muscular activation or inhibition, depending on the type of technique applied.

Signs of tissue dysfunction include trigger points, tenderness, tightness, weakness, and poor movement quality. A physical therapist will determine if dry needling may work well for your condition. It is important to remember needling is only a component of the overall treatment, and other treatment techniques are generally necessary to rehabilitate the injured area. Singular treatment approaches often only offer temporary relief or fail altogether.

In our Charlottesville office, we provide a comprehensive approach to physical therapy and rehab services.


Call 434-293-3800 today to get answers from a physical therapist about dry needling for plantar fasciitis, tmj, sciatica, tennis elbow, back pain and neck pain.

Decrease Tightness, Increase Blood Flow and Reduce Pain With Dry Needling Charlottesville VA

The Dry Needling Treatment Process

  1. Needling takes anywhere from 10-30 minutes to complete.
  2. The technique involves insertion of a very fine needle into muscular tissue.
  3. Electrical stimulation may be used during the treatment to promote more recruitment of muscle or fatigue it to relaxation.

Most patients do not feel the needle when it is being inserted into the tissue. Often, a twitch that feels like a deep cramp may occur in the tissue. Following needling, it is recommended that the patient move the tissue to reduce soreness and promote muscle activation.

Dry Needling Costs in Charlottesville VA

Dry needling is still considered an experimental treatment due to lack of sufficient research. Accordingly, insurance companies will generally not cover the treatment. All needling patients will be required to undergo a physical therapy evaluation prior to treatment.

Dry needling as part of an overall physical therapy treatment plan: $30

Standalone treatment: $75


Dry Needling services require additional certifications by physical therapists to be performed in Virginia. Our Charlottesville VA dry needling therapist has been trained by Kinetacore to safely and effectively provide services.


Frequently Asked Questions About Dry Needling

  • What is dry needling, and how does it differ from acupuncture?

    Dry needling is a technique used by healthcare professionals to treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. It involves inserting thin, solid needles into specific trigger points or tight bands of muscles to alleviate pain and promote healing. While it may seem similar to acupuncture, the two practices have distinct origins and philosophies. Unlike acupuncture, which is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine and aims to balance the body's energy flow, dry needling is based on Western anatomical and neurophysiological principles, targeting specific points to directly release tension and improve muscle function.

  • How can dry needling help with movement and pain?

    Dry needling is a specialized technique used by healthcare professionals to address musculoskeletal pain and movement impairments. During a dry needling session, thin, solid needles are inserted into specific trigger points or tight muscles, promoting muscle relaxation and pain relief. By targeting these trigger points, the treatment helps restore normal muscle function and range of motion, ultimately improving movement and reducing pain.

  • What other types of therapies does Balanced Chiropractic & Physical Therapy offer for movement, blood flow and pain?

    In addition to dry needling, we also offer manual therapy, corrective exercises, and other modalities that can help with movement, blood flow and pain management. Our team takes a holistic approach to your care, addressing not only your current symptoms but also the underlying causes of your shoulder pain.

  • What conditions can be treated with dry needling?

    Dry needling is commonly used to address a wide range of musculoskeletal issues, such as muscle spasms, trigger points, myofascial pain syndrome, and sports-related injuries. It can be effective in managing conditions like back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, knee pain, and more. Your healthcare provider will conduct a thorough assessment to determine if dry needling is suitable for your specific condition.

  • Are there any side effects or risks associated with dry needling?

    Generally, dry needling is considered safe when performed by a trained and licensed practitioner. However, like any medical intervention, there are some potential side effects. After a session, you might experience temporary soreness, bruising, or minor bleeding at the needle insertion sites. Serious complications are rare but can include infection or nerve injury, though the risk is minimized with proper training and adherence to sterile techniques. Our healthcare provider will discuss the potential risks and benefits with you before proceeding with dry needling.

  • How many dry needling sessions are typically needed to see results?

    The number of dry needling sessions required depends on several factors, including the specific condition being treated, its severity, and how your body responds to the treatment. Some individuals experience significant relief after just one session, while others may require multiple sessions to achieve optimal results. Your healthcare provider will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan and regularly evaluate your progress to adjust the number of sessions as needed. It's essential to communicate openly with your provider about your experience and any changes in your symptoms to ensure the best possible outcome.


Dry Needling Charlottesville VA Location

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